To test an Apex trigger in Salesforce, you can use the following steps:
Create a test class: A test class is an Apex class that contains test methods. A test method is a special method that executes code and tests the logic of your trigger. Here’s an example of a simple test class:
Execute the test class: You can execute the test class from the Salesforce developer console by clicking the “Run Test” button. The test method will be executed, and the trigger logic will be executed as part of the test.
Verify the results: The test class contains assertions that check the results of the test. In this example, the System.assertEquals method is used to verify that the FirstName and LastName fields of the Contact record were updated as expected. If the assertions pass, the trigger logic is working as expected.
It’s important to thoroughly test your triggers before deploying them to your production org. A best practice is to write test classes that test all possible scenarios and use cases for your trigger, including positive and negative cases. This helps to ensure that your triggers work as expected and don’t negatively impact your business processes.